The Algonquin Hotel values your privacy
The Algonquin Hotel values your privacy. We want you to be confident in using this site to make your online reservations. We are very much aware of your concerns about the privacy of your information, and we have no desire or intent to infringe on your privacy. We will not provide your personal information to anyone else. When you provide your personal information such as name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number, we will not give or sell this information to any outside company for any use. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to support your customer relationship with us. We have appropriate security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information we have collected from you on our site. All of the information contained in this website, including the site design, graphics, and text are the copyrighted property of the Algonquin Hotel. Any other trademarks, company names, product names, and/or logos set forth in this website are the property of their respective owners.
Use Of Cookies
The Algonquin Hotel occasionally uses a browser feature known as a cookie, which assigns a unique identification to your computer. Cookies are typically stored on your computer’s hard drive and allow a Web site to be more responsive to your needs, while delivering a better and more personalized experience to you. Please also be aware that some of the third party service providers that we use on this Web site to help us provide services to you, may use cookies.
Third Party Service Providers
We may use the following third-party service providers named below to process and store your data:
- Google Analytics, which we use service to measure the performance of this website. For information on how Google Analytics collects and processes information about you and information on how to opt out from Google’s collection of information from you, go to Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
- MyFonts, which we use to serve web fonts for the site. Read the MyFonts privacy policy.